May 9 and the world witnesses yet another senseless act of violence, against children.
A car bomb was detonated outside of a high school in Kabul, Afghanistan. Officials report 68 people have been killed, many of them school girls aged between 11 and 15.
World Vision Afghanistan’s National Director Asuntha Charles stated...
“Afghanistan children are at a breaking point.
This inhumane act took the lives of innocent young people and, has plunged many families into utter sorrow and devastation. When a child goes to school, they hope to learn, play, grow and live to see their future, where they can play a role in making a brighter future for themselves, their families and their communities. This is their right.
Yesterday this right was taken away.
Children’s safety and protection must be prioritised by all duty bearers. World Vision condemns the deliberate targeting of girls in school, a place where they should feel safe to learn, play, grow and create a chance for a better future. World Vision calls for all parties to work towards a peaceful solution to protect the future of the children of Afghanistan.”

Asuntha Charles, National Director, World Vision Afghanistan meets with Internally Displaced People at a camp near Herat, Afghanistan. Here, young girls recount their hopes for education, a safe home and a future.
Against a backdrop of political and cultural complexities, World Vision’s work continues. Despite the danger, every year over 488,600 Afghan children and adults benefit from our programmes.
Specifically, our Childhood Resue project focuses on education, well-being classes, psycho-social support for children and the vital work of child protection and awareness programs.
In collaboration with elders and faith leaders, child protection programs address gender-based violence including child marriage and advocate for the rights of all, especially women and children to survive, recover and build a safe future.