You think you've seen enough images, read enough first-person accounts and seen enough vlogs to be almost okay.

But you haven't and really, you never will.

Last week I visited the Honduran and Nicaragua border. Up to 3000 people a day cross this particular border site, to make the unfathomable trek north, often with a small backpack or, not even that.

Earlier this year the Honduras Childhood Rescue team expanded to include some key border humanitarian projects. Many amazing organisations were working together to play their part in helping ease the burden of people caught in this growing humanitarian migration crisis.

In emergency and humanitarian crisis' Child Friendly Spaces (CFS) are a big part of how we help children and your gifts help make that possible.

I have seen many amazing CFS but never had I been to one that felt like this.

It was a tent of sunshine with joy, play and warmth. Kind of like a big cup of hope for the heart and tired feet. The children, staff and volunteers moved me beyond words, I don't think I'll really be able to process it.

I was so moved it lead me to get in front of a camera. I generally flat out refuse but on this occasion, I knew it had to be done because you have to see how your gift is making a difference.

I hope you enjoy this quick tour of what may be the most beautiful wholesome representation of why our work as a humanitarian organisation focussing on children matters so much.

In the emergency and humanitarian space we can't guarantee tomorrow but for a few hours or even a day, we can provide hope and it is enough to make a difference.

I know it, because I saw it, I felt it and the children and parents told me so...

Take a tour of this confounding & beautiful Child-Friendly Space!

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    Every gift makes a difference. Our Childhood Rescue fund helps children living in the world’s most dangerous places.

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Emergency Response

Because we are already on the ground in 100 countries, World Vision can offer immediate and life-saving support when a disaster strikes. Emergency supplies, such as water purification tablets, hygiene kits and blankets are pre-positioned in warehouses around the world so it can get to the affected area within days.

COVID-19 is no different. Our plan is to limit the spread of the virus, to strengthen health systems and workforce, and to protect the most vulnerable children and the ones impacted by the pandemic.

  • Our goal is to help 72 million people, half of them children.
  • We already reached 36 million people in the first three months of our response.