Roll up, roll up, for a super quick world trip!
We've got...
Goats. Classic water fights. Peace clubs. Climate fighting cabbages. Village huts becoming learning centres Children finding safety. Hunger is being fought. Childhood being
Scroll below and see how impactful your gift has been in the last few months :)
450 children arrived on big bright yellow 'happy' buses, ready for our CHR Peace Club Fun Day and they came very ready for FUN!
All over the world, water fights on a hot summer day = childhood! In Honduras, your gift supports peace clubs and that means children from extremely volatile communities don't miss out on hot summer water fight days!
Susana Garcia Ventura
450 children from Childhood Rescue Peace Clubs across San Pedro Sula came together for a huge amazing loud fun day.
These children know the realities of gang violence, crime and a lack of opportunity. Your gift helps to support peace clubs, education and ensures families can make a living and provide food and essentials for their children. Recruitment into gangs is a major problem in Honduras, our key goals are to provide meaningful livelihood and support opportunities for adults whilst nurturing childhoods and their futures.

Animal Distribution Day is very exciting for communities, especially children. Hundreds of families gather, and our livestock team and vets provide training and do final health checks on all the animals to ensure the communities know how to best breed and care for their animals.
Rodrigue Harakandi
Your gift is the GOAT!
In the DRC goat, sheep and rabbit distributions are a big part of our agriculture programmes. Teaching and resourcing communities to grow and harvest their own nutritious food has revolutionised the child malnutrition rates in Eastern DRC which were at critical levels. Agricultural programmes reap a layered harvest. We see significant increases in household incomes, which then results in better health outcomes, education opportunities and overall well-being for children and caregivers.
Leaving behind your home, family and community is an experience most of us can not fathom. When children are forced to flee violence or conflict they also leave behind their dreams and hopes for the future, because their education often ceases in that moment. The CHR programme in Mali is making sure children can pick back up their education to work towards building a future.
Fousseni Kone
Children in Mali know the pain and reality of fleeing violence and conflict. In an instant they loose everything and their education often gets left behind too. Your gift is being used to ensure IDP children (Internally Displaced Persons) can still go to school and very importantly… eat. Our cash programmes are ensuring families can buy supplies and provide food for their children, whilst also supplying resources and support to get back to school.
Education changes lives, and no matter where you live, we want children to build educated futures.
This little boy (blue shirt) is 10 years old, pictured here in his new school. Our team found him working as a labourer on a construction site. He was reluctant to return to school, feeling he was too far behind and his future already laid out. He also felt the intense pressure to help feed his family. Hunger robs children of their future in so many ways. Child labour is often connected to hunger and a lack of livelihood opportunities or support for parents.
This World Vision backpack inspired this amazing 10-year-old boy (name withheld for protection) to go back to school. It was a gift and he was moved with pride when he received it, he said it inspired him. Our child protection officers worked with his parents to advocate for his education, provided an 'encouragement' backpack and also included his parents in income-generating activities and cash distributions so they could begin to better provide for their children's basic needs, like food.
Arnann Jay Agosto
Mindanao, Philippines
Hunger affects all children in fragile contexts, in Mindanao, hunger results in many children going to work. Child labour puts children in extremely vulnerable situations with no real means to get out of them. Education, health & nutrition, livelihood generation and peace-making initiatives are the key areas your gift is having an impact here.
We've just finished our Summer Catch Up Reading programmes for 681 children. These programs ensure children who have fallen behind in school due to long periods of absence are given the tools and confidence to school as the new school year begins. This year's programs have been an amazing success and your gift made sure those 681 children have the ability to build an educated future.
Your news feed may be filled with confusing and heartbreaking stories but we are helping to bring hope to some of the world's most complex places.
It's irrelevant whether these stories make the news cycle or not, your gift is helping children to survive, recover and build a future and these children are the proof.
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Every gift makes a difference. Our Childhood Rescue fund helps children living in the world’s most dangerous places.
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