Story continues after "It's an, A+ report card for your gift!"
It's an, A+ report card for your gift!
681 struggling learners received remedial support via our 16-day Summer Reading Camp
90 volunteers in the school and community were trained to struggling learners
10 schools were provided with support via supplies and teaching materials
The "Basa Kubo" reading camps are becoming a key initiative in the CHR program
School is in for summer, and the students are loving it!
In Marawi City, Mindanao, Philippines, summer 'Reading & Learners' camps have become a big part of our programming.
One unique summer reading camp called, "Basa Kubo" is getting top marks for drastically improving children's education and well-being.
One incredible woman has rallied the community to ensure children can build an educated future.
Asnairah and her community volunteer team were trained by World Vision and they now have transformed a humble hut into a multi-functional learning space.
And your gift is helping them do it...

This is the humble hut Asnairah arranged to help change children's futures. Students who had stopped attending school are gaining confidence and the necessary skills needed to get back to school. This program is an amazing example of how World Vision partnering with communities to support their ideas can render incredible results for children.
Arnann Jay Agosto
Asnairah believes that...
“Children who can't read, it's like they're imprisoned.
Once they learn to read, I feel like they're so free.
Before, no matter what you asked them, there was no real response.
But now, there's improvement.
They know, they can read to some extent.
Now having made it from day 1 to day 16 (summer reading camp), I can say they're ready.
They'll be okay. They're ready for school.
I felt too that our volunteer teachers are ready.
I hope the children won't lose their enthusiasm.”

At the end of the 16-day summer program, students from multiple areas participated in a fun graduation party day. Here are the volunteer teachers, students and our staff.
Arnann Jay Agosto
The Basa Kubo camps address challenges faced by children in the areas we work, such as
- a reluctance to attend school due to bullying or age-related shame (too old & too far behind)
- child labour and the need to work during the summer to support their families
- lack of confidence having fallen so far behind
Asnairah and her neighbours established the "Basa Kubo" reading camp to bring education closer to home and provide assistance to these children in a space where they feel comfortable and safe.
Basa Kubo is supported by World Vision, with volunteer training, learning materials, classroom resources and ongoing support.
Childhood Rescue aims to partner with local communities, not because it sounds good, but because it delivers amazing and empowering results, and not just for children.
The Basa Kubo is an amazing partnership where we listened and saw great value in providing ongoing support to the needs identified by the community.
Specifically, Asnairah praised the effectiveness of the Marungko Approach workbook which we supplied and provided instruction for community members and teachers.
She also feels that "World Vision doesn't just provide the resources and Marungko Approach books, they provide 'hope for the children.’"
We have the honour of supporting solutions and the community gets to own and deliver them too.
It's a win win!
> “Learning is not attained by chance; it must be sought for with ardour and diligence.”
– Abigail Adams
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