At 7 years old, Ange knows the joy of Christmas. Staying up late, family hangs, gifts, good food and that 'new Christmas outfit' feeling.
In October 2022, her life changed in an instant. Escalating violence forced her family to flee their once safe home. She lost her friends, belongings and normality.
Like thousands of families, they relocated to IDP camps (Internally Displaced Persons) near Goma, DRC.
During a recent special Christmas distribution our team noticed Ange's infectious smile... With wisdom beyond her young years, she shared her story.
Whilst Christmas looks very different this year, Ange has a new BFF and feels loved. The greatest gift of all.
Lonely and far from home, Ange finds a new BFF
Ange continued to share her story, recounting friendship and Christmas...
"I am happy because Christmas is coming.
At Christmas time at my place in Kiwanja (before fleeing violence) we used to eat meat, chips and other foods I like at Christmas. But this Christmas (2022), I think we'll eat rice and beans as my parents can't afford those things anymore.
Grandma used to buy me a new dress, but I know she is also broke, so I think I'll just wear my old clothes that I brought with me here."

The smile that caught our eyes and hearts. Ange has wisdom and perspective far beyond her age.
Rodrigue Harakandi
"When I arrived, I had no friends and felt lonely.
I have now made new friends. They like me and I feel loved.
My best friend is called Joëlle.
I spend my time with her playing the cooking game.
I met her for my first time here in this camp and she became my best friend."

Child well-being and psychosocial support are a priority within our Childhood Rescue programs. Most children have experienced extreme trauma through displacement and violence. Here, a WV staff member plays music and dances with children. With limited space in an IDP camp, music is a great way to engage children in play and physical activity, this can help children to form new friendships.
Rodrigue Harakandi
Since the beginning of this current crisis in East DRC, more than 250,000 people have been displaced, forced to flee and leave all their belongings behind.
Our response projects assist families like Ange's with food, household essentials and water purifiers and storage containers.
In total, 7,173 hygiene kits and essential household items have been provided and approximately 1,712 tons of food have been distributed to approximately ** 224,174 IDPs** in response to the crisis since its start.
Your Childhood Rescue donations are helping families displaced by violence survive and recover.
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